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This Natural Way to Overcome and Prevent Sinusitis for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women (pregnant women) are more susceptible to disease. One of the diseases that might attack is sinusitis. It is important for pregnant women to understand the right sinusitis treatment, as well as how to prevent it. Sinusitis is an inflammatory disorder in the sinus cavity, which is a small room behind the cheekbones and forehead. This condition occurs when the sinus cavity which is supposed to contain air, is filled with mucus which then clogs the sinus cavity, so that germs multiply and cause infection and inflammation. Sinusitis in pregnant women is usually caused by the hormone progesterone which makes the sinus tract swell.

Sinusitis Treatment at Home

Sinusitis is characterized by several symptoms, namely headaches, coughing, nasal congestion, sore throat, and facial pain. If pregnant women experience these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor for appropriate treatment. Avoid taking drugs without consulting a doctor while pregnant. In addition to taking medication from a doctor, pregnant women can also help relieve symptoms of sinusitis in a number of easy ways, including:
  • Routinely consume water

  • One of the most effective ways to treat the symptoms of sinusitis is to consume enough water. Not only water, pregnant women can also consume fresh fruit, to increase vitamin intake in order to strengthen the immune system, while preventing dehydration during sinusitis.
  • Warm and cold water compresses

  • Compress with warm water in the area around the nose, cheeks and forehead with warm water for 3 minutes. After that, replace it with cold water and leave it for 30 seconds. Do this two or three times. Pregnant women can do this compress process two to six times per day. Compress is useful for smoothing the nasal airways.
  • Enough sleep

  • Enough sleep is useful to increase the immune system of pregnant women, so they can recover from sinusitis soon. To help open the nasal passages, Bumil bis In addition, try to sleep with the conditions of a clean and dark room to sleep more soundly.
  • Eat chicken soup

  • Pregnant women may lose their appetite. However, pregnant women must force themselves to eat healthy foods. Chicken soup can be the right choice. Nourishing soup to reduce nasal congestion and reduce inflammation. In addition, pregnant women can also consume fruit or vegetables. Small portions of food are recommended, but more often.

Tips to Prevent Sinusitis While Pregnant

Pregnant women are indeed more susceptible to disease, due to decreased immune system during pregnancy. However, that does not mean pregnant women can not prevent the arrival of disease. Pregnant women can prevent sinusitis by doing a few simple things, as follows:
  • Maintain cleanliness of the body

  • The main thing that can be done to prevent sinusitis during pregnancy is to maintain bodily hygiene, such as routine hand washing and bathing.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C and zinc

  • For food, pregnant women can consume foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin C. Foods that are rich in zinc, such as fish, eggs, whole wheat bread and cashews. While vitamin C, can be found in oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.
  • Keep the environment clean

  • Another thing that can be done to prevent sinusitis is to keep the environment clean, especially for pregnant women who have a history of allergies. One way that Bumil can do is to stop using air freshener. Pregnant women can also use
If pregnant women experience disease, including sinusitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner it is detected, the disturbance that Bumil suffered can be treated immediately.
